EDGA Winter League

2024-25 EDGA Winter League

Winter league is back again!

The Details

  • Hosted out of Rundle Park on odd weeks and Hermitage Park on even weeks
  • League will be run on Saturdays with a shotgun start each week at noon
  • League will run for 12 weeks (December 7th, 2024 - February 22nd, 2025)
  • League runs regardless of weather (within reason)


  • A player’s league score for the first 2 weeks determines their tier.
  • League is played using the PDGA regular rules of play.
  • Winter OB rules in effect.
  • Lost discs will abide by PDGA lost disc rule (805.03)
  • Ribbons for finding discs are allowed as this league has been declared as "snow play". (See PDGA rule 813.01 "D")


  •  2 tiers: below 56/above 56


  • EDGA Winter League will have a $75 registration fee
  • Breakdown of fees is as follows: $60 to payouts, $10 to EDGA, $5 to Ace Pot (split among all acers)
  • Payouts will be made according to the PDGA payout schedule
  • Click here to register for 2024/25 winter league!
  • Then send your $75 payment to edgafeedback@gmail.com

About Our Sponsor

We don't have one! If your company would like to sponsor the Winter League, please check out our sponsorship page!

League Scores

Join the EDGA Winter League